Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Teaching Your Teen About Skin Care

It's never too early to help your teen learn about the best way to clean, moisturize, and protect her skin.

If we only knew then what we know now.

This expression applies to a lot of things in life, including skin care. I have spoken to many of my clients about how important it is to get our daughters thinking about skin care as early as possible.  We nag at them to brush their teeth, we pester them to eat healthy snacks, we harass them about using their manners... but many of us don't follow that trend to include skin care!  

Reminding kids that their skin is their skin for life, that the sun ages them, that moisturizing will help them throughout their adulthood is difficult to say the least.  They have little sense of the future and the effect of what they do now on their skin later in life.  
If we can treat skin care like we do teeth brushing and create a habit early, it will be one of the greatest gifts we can give them.  They may complain now, but they'll thank you later!  
WebMD has a great article about how to teach your teen about skin care and gives lots of tips about establishing a routine, using serums for acne treatment and using sunscreen.  Give it a read and let me know what you think!