Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 Skin Care Resolutions You Need To Make For 2012

What's your skin care resolutions for 2012?  Even the best of us do things we know we shouldn't... we sleep in our makeup, we skimp on sunscreen, we skip our regular appointment with our dermatologist.  There are many things we can be doing to help make us look and feel younger, and many of them are as simple as moisturizing regularly!
Check out this great article I found on for the top 10 things you can do for your skin this year, and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Avoid the Holiday Blues

Top 10 Ways to Avoid the Holiday Weight Gain Blues
Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is just ahead — the time for parties, shopping, friends and family and lots and lots of eating! What can you do to ensure that while your blessings overflow, your waistband doesn’t? 
First of all, don't try to actually LOSE weight during the holidays.  Your priority should be to maintain as healthy of a lifestyle as possible so that once you pass New Years you can jump right back into your healthy habits.  
Here are My Top 5 Ways to Maintain Weight During the Holidays
1. Put down the chips, pastries and ice cream
2. Put down the remote
3. Get off the couch or off the computer
4. Get outside and get some exercise
5. Walking is good; jogging is better and active sports are great – just keep moving for at least 1/2 hour every day.
While you are outside exercising, don’t forget your broad-spectrum sunscreen!
Five More Ways to Avoid the Holiday Weight Gain Blues
1. Eat smaller portions and skip seconds
2. Snack on nuts, fruits and raw veggies
3. Save desserts for special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas and avoid them at all the parties and meals in between
4. Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary beverages
5. Get plenty of sleep. Not getting enough sleep can trigger wight gain - and wrinkles!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday Treats that Affect Your Skin

We all know that holiday treats bring on the dreaded December bulge... but did you know that many of the treats you have during the holiday season can actually be bad for your skin?

I found this great article on The Real Style Network's website that talks about just this.  All the fun parties with alcohol, processed food, sugar and sweets can really take their toll.  Add that to the winter weather, and your skin really needs extra attention.  Give me a call and we can schedule a facial or I can make some recommendations on some products that can help get your skin back into shape!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

QUIZ: What is your skin's age?

So, I know we all want to have young looking skin, and I certainly see my fair share of men and women who wonder "how old do I look??"  The thing is that there are lots of things that affect your skin's age.  Sunscreen, diet, healthy habits... you get the picture.

I found a fun quiz on Women's Health Magazine's Website that walks you through and helps you deterimine your skin's age.  It's definitely not the last word in skin, but it's a fun quiz to check out!

Remember, I can always help erase those little missteps and issues you may be battling yourself.  I have a ton of facials, chemical peels, and more that can (in the words of the beautiful Cher) "turn back time."

Take a look at the quiz and see what you think - then give me a call and let's get to work!
